Yummy Recipes
Give your kids a variety of healthy snacks.
Healthy doesn’t have to be boring.
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Raising a heart healthy kid starts every morning with a nutritious breakfast to prepare a growing body for the day ahead. With everything else there is to worry about, wouldn’t it be nice to know that you’ve got their morning meal covered with some terrific and delicious ideas.

If you make their midday meal fun and simple, children will eventually look forward to discovering what’s in their lunch box. Imagine the delight at finding Tangy Tuna Fish Sandwiches in the shape of fish or a pasta salad instead of a sandwich. Kids will also get a kick out of rolling up ingredients inside a tortilla when they help to make their own lunches and will have even more fun eating it.…
Small, frequent meals work well for kids. Little stomachs coupled with high energy means that most children are ready to eat at least every three or four hours when they are awake. Snacks can take on special importance and can be your secret weapon for providing great nutrition by getting in the recommended vegetable and fruit serves.

Solve the “What’s for Dinner?” dilemma once and for all. The toughest part of satisfying a child’s appetite seems to occur during the dinner hour itself. Even with the least-finicky eater, it can be a challenge to come up with meals that are healthy and packed with vital nutrition.
Children can now almost drink their way to health given the popularity of healthy smoothies and other assorted drinks. It’s a way for your child to add nutrition in a quick, portable way. Instead of sugary sodas and pure fruit juices (which also contain a lot of sugar), the smoothie recipes here contain far fewer simple carbohydrates. And if your child is picky about fruits, what better way to disguise them than in a cool smoothie?