by kyle | Aug 22, 2017 | News & Media
Kyle held an amazing training session today!...
by kyle | Aug 4, 2017 | Endorsements
“The ‘Kids Love Dips’ is awesome! Parents often give children unhealthy salad dressings to dip veggies in or caramel for apples. This is a great way to incorporate a lot of different veggies IN the dips; the kids will hardly know they are there! Pictures are also well...
by kyle | Aug 4, 2017 | Endorsements
“With my maiden name being Mercurio, you can bet I can pick out some good Italian pasta recipes when I see them. My Italian roots mixed with my nutrition background, has me pleased to see such colorful, HEALTHY ways to incorporate pasta with veggies in to a child’s...
by kyle | Aug 4, 2017 | Endorsements
“Finally! An ice cream that is actually made with REAL food and not a list of artificial ingredients. This cookbook is a great example of how to use nutritious foods to curb the sweet tooth. I cannot wait to try the Sweet Potato and Honey...
by kyle | Aug 4, 2017 | Endorsements
“This recipe book has my heart as a nutritionist and avid snacker. The rolled bites exemplify great inclusion of healthy fats, carbs and protein in one sweet, guilt free bite. Snack time can be where a healthy diet falls of track, but not with recipes like...